Recycling in Sedona Overview

Empty containers: rinse, wipe or scrape out food and pour out liquids.

The same items can be recycled at dropoff locations and recycling bins throughout Sedona. 

Recycle these everywhere

Cardboard & Unbleached Paper
Other Paperclean paper only
Plastic #1,#2, #5 only
MetalCans and tins
Glassbottles, jugs & jars

Keep these out

No plastic bagsDropoff at retailers for recycling
No cartons
No takeout containers
No clamshell packaging
No medical wasteNo gloves, masks, needles
Printable guide: Recycling Guide

All Categories
  • All categories
  • Sedona Recycles Facility
  • Hazardous Waste & Electronics
  • All Recyclable Items
  • Garbage
  • The Pumpkin Drop

All Recycleable Items

All Recycleable Items

Throughout Sedona, these items are recyclable at drop-off locations and public bins. Just ensure they're empty, clean, and dry, then toss them into a recycling bin.



Boxes, kraftpaper, manila

No food or grease. 


Flatten boxes to save room; no greasy cardboard

recycle everywhere

Food boxes


Remove and discard plastic & foil liner bags before recycling

recycle everywhere

Shoe & gift boxes

No metallic foil or glitter; reuse when possible.

recycle everywhere

Cardboard tubes

From paper towels, giftwrap, toilet paper, etc.

recycle everywhere

Paper bags


Reuse when possible

recycle everywhere


Folders, envelopes, etc. 

recycle everywhere


No food; grease; laminated, glittery, or otherwise adorned paper.


Junk mail, letters, printer paper, holiday cards, envelopes, postcards

recycle everywhere



No plastic sleeves

recycle everywhere

Phone books

recycle everywhere

Soft cover books

No hard covered books accepted for recycling.

Donate books in good condition. 

recycle everywhere

Magazines & catalogs

recycle everywhere

Wrapping paper

No glittery or metallic paper

recycle everywhere

Shredded paper

Must be placed in a plastic bag and tied close

recycle everywhere


Bottles, jugs, jars, & tubs.

#1, #2, #5 only

Plastic bottles 

Empty and re-cap.

recycle everywhere

Plastic jugs

Empty and re-cap.

recycle everywhere

Plastic jars

Empty, clean and dry; leave lid attached

recycle everywhere

Plastic tubs

Empty, clean and dry; leave lid attached

recycle everywhere

Vitamin & supplement bottles

No prescription vials/bottles. 

Safely dispose of unused medication at three locations in Shoreline.

recycle everywhere

Prescription pill bottles

recycle everywhere


#2, #5 only 

Items must be 100% plastic and fit inside bin.

Plastic buckets

Remove and discard metal handles in the garbage

recycle everywhere

plastic toys


 Better yet: donate toys in working condition

recycle everywhere

Plastic plant pots

recycle everywhere

Plastic laundry baskets, & crates

recycle everywhere

Lawn furniture

recycle everywhere


Food & drink cans and tins, aerosol cans*, small propane canisters

*Completely empty!

Steel & tin cans


Soup, vegetables, coffee, pet food, etc.; peel-off lids and place lids in garbage

Empty, clean and dry.

recycle everywhere

Aluminum cans

Beer, soda, etc.

Empty, clean and dry.

recycle everywhere

Metal cookie & biscuit tins

recycle everywhere

aerosol cans


Must be completely empty so they don't

explode during recycling.


recycle lids separately

recycle everywhere

Small propane canisters

Must be completely empty

recycle everywhere


Bottles, Jugs, & Jars

No blue glass,  windows, drink glasses, or glass cookware. 

Glass bottles

Wine, beer, soda, etc. 


All color glass,

no corks please!

recycle everywhere

Glass jugs

Growlers, 2L jugs etc. 

recycle everywhere

Glass jars

Re-attach the metal lid so it will get recycled too! 

recycle everywhere

Sedona Recycles Facility - Additional Recycling

Sedona Recycles Facility - Additional Recycling

The Sedona Recycles Facility accepts the following items, inside the lobby, during regular business hours: Monday-Saturday, 8am-4pm.

Electronics & Computer Equipment 


No tube/ CTR TVs or monitors.

Unless you're a Sedona Recycles member, there is a small fee for recycling some items. Learn more. 

Sedona Recycles Facility

Small appliances

No large appliances (refrigerators, dishwashers, etc.)

Sedona Recycles Facility


Please donate items in good condition to a thrift shop. 

Sedona Recycles Facility

Polystyrene Foam Blocks 

Foam cups, takeout containers, and meat trays are not accepted.

Sedona Recycles Facility

Cardboard and styrofoam egg cartons

Hard plastic egg cartons not accepted. 

These cartons are donated to local farmers for reuse. 

Sedona Recycles Facility

Household batteries

Most household batteries are accepted for recycling.  

There is a suggested donation of  $1 per pound. 

Auto batteries are not accepted.

Sedona Recycles Facility

Aluminum foil


Must be completely clean of food, then ball it up and recycle when it’s about the size of a baseball or larger.

Sedona Recycles Facility

Disposable aluminum pie pans

Must be clean and dry.

Sedona Recycles Facility

Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics

Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics

Please do not place these items in the garbage, outlets for proper disposal are provided for each. Due to Covid-19 stay at home orders, Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection events are postponed. Please hold onto your items, the events will return ASAP.  

Household chemicals & cleaning solvents

Bug sprays, stain, acetone nail polish remover, bleach, and other hazardous chemicals

HHW & Electronics Collection Events

HHW & Electronics Events
HHW & Electronics Events

Compact fluorescent bulbs

HHW & Electronics Collection Events

More locations from: Sedona Recycles A-Z Reuse and Disposal Guide

HHW & Electronics Events

Use caution when disposing of broken fluorescent

light bulbs...

Here's how to do it safely:

HHW & Electronics Events

Computer Equipment & Electroncis


TVs , computers, monitors, tablet/e-readers, cell phones, etc.

HHW & Electronics Collection Events

HHW & Electronics Events

Oil-based paints & stains

HHW & Electronics Collection Events

More locations from: Sedona Recycles A-Z Reuse and Disposal Guide

HHW & Electronics Events

Motor oil & Filters

Return to  garages or auto supply stores.  

More locations from: Sedona Recycles A-Z Reuse and Disposal Guide

HHW & Electronics Events


Never flush medications. 

Drop off at the Sedona Police Department.

HHW & Electronics Events
HHW & Electronics Events



This is the stuff that goes to a landfill and remains there for generations. Please reduce, reuse and/or donate these items whenever possible.

Plastic bags & wrap


Plastic bags, bubble wrap, and wrap from toilet paper and paper towels can all be recycled together in the plastic bag drop-off bins located  at many local stores.

garbage bin


garbage bin


garbage bin

Disposable wipes 

Do not flush down the toilet.

garbage bin

All food

Compost Crowd provides composting service in Sedona. Composting turns food waste into a natural nutrient rich soil.

Compost Crowd

garbage bin

Plastic take-away food containers

garbage bin

Polystyrene Foam  
aka: styrofoam 

takeout containers, cups, plates

Packing peanuts and foam blocks are accepted at Sedona Recycles

garbage bin

All plastic utensils

garbage bin


garbage bin


Milk, juice, soy, broth, etc.

garbage bin

Drink pouches

Straws aren't recyclable either. 

garbage bin

Pet food bags

TIP: reuse these durable bags for collecting kitty litter and other heavy-duty waste.

garbage bin

Chip & snack bags

Chip bags, candy bar wrappers, coffee bags, etc.

garbage bin

Coffee pods

garbage bin


Donate clothes hangers to a local thrift shop or return them to your dry cleaner.

garbage bin

Animal waste

garbage bin


garbage bin

Incandescent light bulbs

garbage bin



beach balls, shower curtains, inflatable toys, etc.

garbage bin

Garden hoses

garbage bin

Artwork, crafts

Enjoy it for as long as possible, but don't recycle it.  Paper with paint or glitter is not recyclable.

garbage bin

Facial tissue and napkins

garbage bin

VHS & cassette tapes

garbage bin

Christmas bulbs

garbage bin


Stay informed.

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